Friday, June 28, 2013

Business Boycotts Consumers?

For my third ever blog post, I’m going to wade into the Second Amendment discussion that is currently taking over the webs. Now I’m not an orator or a wordsmith, but I thought I’d weigh in. So, here it goes:

Yesterday, an interesting post caught my eye on Facebook. It was from a well-known company in the town where I spent the majority of my Army career, Fayetteville. Grey Group was served with a notice that they must stop selling “magazines with a capacity of over 10 rounds”. Now, States already regulate the sale of weapons, magazines and accessories. An opinion of mine that is shared by a friend of ours - The Constitution.

Money has always been one of the largest elements deciding politics; consumers boycotting establishments usually demonstrate it. What we are starting to see now is the reverse. We have establishments that are so ingrained in our society that it would inconvenience consumers to boycott them. (Notice the choice of the word; inconvenience - I’ll circle back to that.)  There are establishments like Bank of America, PayPal, Facebook, and many others that are taking action to influence rights. These actions are ranging from pulling lines of credit to outright censorship.

Why are their campaigns effective? APATHY (I said we’d circle back to this). Apathy is one of America’s greatest weaknesses, which is derived from our greatest strength. We are a Nation where we are truly free and safe. Yes, there have been attacks and difficulties in the county. But, Americans keep on going. When gas prices went up (remember -$1/gal gas?) we were angry, we complained…..while we filled up our tanks. When the housing market bubble broke and banks were bailed out, people were outraged…….from their couch. Our country is so successful that the majority of Americans are insulated from events like this. Before too long, the encroachment of “social legislation” will reduce this insulation. At that point, the average American will look around and express bewilderment in how things “suddenly” changed.

What is the solution? Twofold:

- Speak up!
 But talk is going to be less effective than action. Now, I’m, not talking about riots and violence. Speak with your money, speak with your patronage, speak with your inconvenience. That’s right, inconvenience yourself. If you are banking, shopping, or doing business with an establishment that doesn’t represent your views - STOP! And tell them why. Will it be a pain, absolutely. Do you want your bank telling you what you can spend your money on, absolutely not! (far fetched? HSBC, CITI and others practice Sharia compliant banking in the Middle East - try buying a beer there with their accounts).

Our government IS a representation of our people. Do I need to say that again? It also represents the Apathy in our country. You don’t like where we are going? Vote. And not just once every 4 years for the president. The important elections are your local, district, and state election. Get involved in your city and county council meetings. Get involved in your school board meetings. Pay attention to your State legislature. Vote out incumbents to prevent career politicians. And most importantly, get involved with your children’s education. You may be surprised what they are being taught.

Well, that’s my 2 cents. Don’t agree? Great! Our ability to disagree and discuss points of view is what sets us apart from other societies. Discuss, debate, and be free.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Instructor Marksmanship Feedback Guide

I thought to kick off this blog, I'd post something useful. So, here is a rough draft of a guide I produced for my instructors to help guide them in the diagnosis process on the range. Enjoy...

Instructor/ Coach Guide

1st Blog Ever

First off, I’d like to thank everyone who is visiting the Green Eye Tactical web page and Facebook page. If you haven’t seen the Facebook page yet, there is a link on the homepage- go like it and come back………………………………. Thanks for that. I’d also like to apologize for the website, I know it is twitchy and buggy. I’m doing it myself, and I’m a former Operator not an web designer. So, be patient, I’m working on rebuilding some of the pages and teaching myself how to do things. Feel free to leave feedback and comments as we go (but, keep it classy and family oriented, the ban hammer will have the safety off).
            Over the last few years, I’ve been an instructor. I taught almost 3,000 students, mostly foreign Special Operations, shooting and tactics overseas. After a short stint with a failed US based company, I decided that it was time to start my own company. After all, the best person to work for is yourself, right? I still maintain a close working relationship with a small, tight knit group of other Tier 1 guys in the industry.
            So, now- here we are. I’m developing things slow with the company at the moment. We are in the process of getting all the marketing materials and products ready before I start pushing hard to line up courses. This isn’t because I’ll just be selling snake oil or challenge coins on the web page. It is because when I was in the Army, me and my buddies always liked to get a hat, t-shirt or coffee mug for attending. Besides, my tactical shirt and hat collection is getting worn, and I need something to mow lawn in…..   Also, I’m planning on running a short You Tube series during these summer months on basic tactical rifle set-up, zeroing, and fundamentals. I’ll be posting them on the Green Eye Tactical YouTube channel, Facebook page, and here on the web page. I’ll also be posting an “instructors corner” here on the blog as well. So,…….Subscribe!