Wednesday, June 26, 2013

1st Blog Ever

First off, I’d like to thank everyone who is visiting the Green Eye Tactical web page and Facebook page. If you haven’t seen the Facebook page yet, there is a link on the homepage- go like it and come back………………………………. Thanks for that. I’d also like to apologize for the website, I know it is twitchy and buggy. I’m doing it myself, and I’m a former Operator not an web designer. So, be patient, I’m working on rebuilding some of the pages and teaching myself how to do things. Feel free to leave feedback and comments as we go (but, keep it classy and family oriented, the ban hammer will have the safety off).
            Over the last few years, I’ve been an instructor. I taught almost 3,000 students, mostly foreign Special Operations, shooting and tactics overseas. After a short stint with a failed US based company, I decided that it was time to start my own company. After all, the best person to work for is yourself, right? I still maintain a close working relationship with a small, tight knit group of other Tier 1 guys in the industry.
            So, now- here we are. I’m developing things slow with the company at the moment. We are in the process of getting all the marketing materials and products ready before I start pushing hard to line up courses. This isn’t because I’ll just be selling snake oil or challenge coins on the web page. It is because when I was in the Army, me and my buddies always liked to get a hat, t-shirt or coffee mug for attending. Besides, my tactical shirt and hat collection is getting worn, and I need something to mow lawn in…..   Also, I’m planning on running a short You Tube series during these summer months on basic tactical rifle set-up, zeroing, and fundamentals. I’ll be posting them on the Green Eye Tactical YouTube channel, Facebook page, and here on the web page. I’ll also be posting an “instructors corner” here on the blog as well. So,…….Subscribe!

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